Sunday, September 22, 2013

Art & Law: public lecture and workshop at FSRD/ITB

Art & Law
Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit, LL.M

Public Lecture & Workshop

4 and 5 October 2013
Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Friday 4 October 2pm: public lecture (free admission & open for the public) – introduced and Q&A moderated by Ranti Puji Agusti – seminar room Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Saturday 5 October 10am: workshop (by invitation only & limited seats) – studio Intermedia 4 Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB, and Roma Arts present a public lecture and workshop by Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit, who is legal advisor collections at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (

In her public lecture and workshop, Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit focuses on intellectual property, copyright and contract law in connection to the arts. Artists, gallerists, program and artist managers as well as collectors, she proposes, will all greatly benefit if there is shared knowledge what the law could offer to those involved in the arts.

You can download material for the public lecture and workshop here: 

Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB
Jl. Ganeca 10 – Bandung

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